Introducing Jim Nelson

Jim Nelson held several responsible positions with the California Department of Fish and Game until he retired at the end of 2006. While with DFG he worked on a wide variety projects including: habitat conservation and management projects, regional conservation planning projects, public information and outreach, and large-scale construction monitoring projects.

Representing the Department of Fish and Game on numerous complex private conservation projects, Jim successfully negotiated environmental benefits on behalf of the people of California. He worked on the review of projects and negotiations under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). He is an expert on biological impact assessment, mitigation design and implementation, and monitoring in a CEQA context. He has authored technical articles on conducting biological studies and has written protocols that have been used by state and federal agencies. Prior to coming to the Department of Fish and Game in 1989, he worked as a biologist for the California Energy Commission in their power plant Siting Division.

Since the early 1990's Jim has pursued the study and practice of facilitation, negotiation, and mediation for environmental problem solving. He has taught many classes on facilitation, conducting public meetings, and environmental negotiations. Since retiring from state service, Jim has continued to help groups dealing primarily with natural resource conservation.

A life-long native to northern California, Jim earned his Masters Degree in Biological Resource Planning and a Bachelors Degree in Biological Sciences from the California State University at Chico. He currently lives in Redding with his wife Julie, and son Soren. He spends his free time gardening, skiing, camping, and hunting.